Vivid, gorgeous full color imprinting on the most popular ad specialty products!
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copyright 2011 by Images Now, Inc. 522 Glen Echo Dr., Old Hickory, TN 37138
615-758-0886 fax: 615-758-3613
C u s t o m I m p r i n t a b l e P r o d u c t s
Soft top fabric custom mouse pads remain the
most popular mouse pad in use today. We
have over 25 years experience in sublimation
dye printing, assuring you of the best possible
Plastic surface mouse pads offer the best
printing detail and many users prefer the fast
mousing surface to the fabric style, though
there is a trade-off in comfort since the fabric
is softer and easier on the wrist.
These mouse pads with windows are real
people pleasers! Users can insert their
favorite photo, image, or even reminders or
calendar printouts. Very handy, they will keep
these on their desks for years! Available to
two styles: “Frame-It” and “Flip-Up”.
Our large and oversized mouse pads are
extremely popluar with computer gamers
and are available in both ‘hard top’ and
‘soft top’ styles. They can also be used to
define a work station area and act as a
large combination mouse pad and coaster
all in one!
We sell all popular types of mouse pads including plastic “hard tops”, fabric surface “soft tops”, and special window mouse
pads that allow for inserting pictures and ad messages. Our mouse pads are very effective for advertising specialty
purposes and also commemorating special events and milestones.
As a sublimation dye printer relying on both offset printing presses, and digital printing machines, we have
been printing custom mouse pads for over 25 years! Rely on us for generating vivid full color images on
any style of mouse pad you prefer. From soft fabric surface, to the hard plastic surface and window style
mouse pads, even with build in wrist rests, we do it all! Great for promotional advertising or for the branded
retail or OEM markets.